Accessing medicinal cannabis in New Zealand
Medicinal cannabis is now legal In 2017, the Government introduced legislation to develop a medicinal cannabis industry in New Zealand. Regulations to support that Bill came into force on the 1st of April 2020. Under the new scheme, medicinal cannabis is now legal with a prescription from your doctor.
1. Talk to your doctor
Your doctor is the best person to decide whether a medicinal cannabis product is a suitable treatment for you. They will know your medical history and any medicines you are taking, and have the expertise needed to assess the risks and benefits.
2. Prescription
Medicinal cannabis products that are verified as meeting the minimum quality standard can then be prescribed by your doctor and accessed through your doctor or pharmacy.
3. Collect your products
Once you have a prescription, the doctor or a pharmacy will dispense the product to you. The prescription will state the kind of medicinal cannabis products and the amount you can obtain.
4. Types of medicinal cannabis products
A medicinal cannabis product can be a dried cannabis product or a product in a pharmaceutical dosage form. These dosage products contain either CBD or THC or a mixture of both. Dosage products are typically available as capsules or in a liquid form suitable for taking orally. Dried cannabis products can be administered through a medical vaporiser, or for use as a tea.